Haight-Ashbury is one of the most illustrious neighborhoods in San Francisco. An area that began as farms and sand dunes made its name as the origin of hippie culture in the 1960s and today serves as a transformed, and more grown-up, version of its early prime. ...
The elaborately detailed 19th century multi-story wooden homes that decorate the neighborhood were once sanctuaries for hippies due to their high level of vacancy and inexpensive rents. Today these homes, along with all of the multi-unit apartment buildings and condos in the district, carry a much steeper price tag due to the high demand for real estate in this trendy neighborhood.
PThe neighborhood is home to exclusive boutiques, high-end vintage clothing shops, cafes, dive bars staffed with budding mixologists, used record stores, and hip restaurants. As one of San Francisco’s most beloved locales, it continues to attract tourists from around the world, all hoping to experience the “Summer of Love” phenomenon that still embodies the spirit of the district.
Its northern border against the Panhandle offers quick access to downtown as well as freeways. This offshoot of Golden Gate Park also offers a large range of outdoor activities and amenities for residents, most notably an exceptional biking territory and a thoroughfare that is brimming with runners around the clock.
Indeed, proximity to parks is one of the major perks of living in this neighborhood. Along its western border is an entrance to Golden Gate Park and to the southeast sits Buena Vista Park, the oldest park in San Francisco, well-loved by joggers and dog walkers.